Monday, April 14, 2008

to orlando rivera with love

a couple days ago a friend from tyler passed away. his name is orlando rivera. aside from being one of the most talented artists and printmakers i've met at tyler, he was such an incredible force of kind loving sweethearted warmth. everyone knew orlando, and everyone loved him and he will be missed, yet always in our hearts.
tonight, the tyler kids over here in rome got together, to sit, take some moments and reflect, to start to accept and understand, to decide what is most important is the good times, and the celebration of life, and open our doors to heal, together. it was really was very powerful and meant a lot to me.
we are all in our lives. and it pulls us up and down. but i just wanted to say to all of you reading this, and those of you that aren't, that i love and care about you very much. and you are all important to me.
i have my issues with tyler, and with temple, but i think the reason i was attracted to it in the first place was because of the community that is alive there. like capa, there is care and respect and love for those in the community. and when someone falls down, there is a sweeping compassionate wave of responce to help pull us all back up. this was very present tonight, and it is truly one of the most beautiful gifts people can give to eachother.
with love,



joli said...

i love you .

Jim Kauterman said...

I've grown sort of cold without having that comforting feeling that someone will catch me if I start to drop.

Anonymous said...

let us celebrate one another and remind each other that we care. it's all about spreading love.
i love you friend.

Sa. said...

i love you too joil. jim, don't be so blind and silly. you have so many people who would catch you. and xiomara, i love you too friend.

Gigi said...

sweet mother of god i need a hug. i love you kodish. and jim. you shut up. you think that because you don't realize that you got me... believe it or not i am very comfortable to fall on.

Max B. said...

hey........... <3

i need to get to know you agian. your heart, why you this, why you that. adn so on

Alex said...

Haha. I feel like once again, we are all children who love each other without constraint or fear. I love you, Sarah. And Jim, and Gigi, and even Xiomara, whom I have scarcely known in person, but who means so much to Sarah and thus to me as well.

Gigi said...

i am realize more and more. inorder to care about someone you must first love them without fear or any mask of truth. my home has given me so many of those people. i guess that is why i love my home so much. it has brought such a sense of richness to my life. it has given me all the elements to make life whole. love you all.

Anonymous said...

alex!!!, i love you too friend.

Len said...

What happened to Orlando Rivera?

Sa. said...

he took his life away

Max B. said...

sarah, i miss you. and also, our convos about art. and why art and things.

Adam said...

Are his prints available anywhere? He had some great pieces when I saw him display out in Rittenhouse a year or two ago.