Saturday, December 26, 2009

! tell your friends !

The Opening Reception is from 5 -9 pm on January 8th, 2010!!!!

pass it down.

love love love

Sunday, December 6, 2009

last week ever? kinda.. ok fine... last 2 weeks... but not really...

so after what must be over a year of me saying "almost there" i am actually almost there. only one more actual class, a couple individual critiques... then final planning for the show in january...
then... life?
any suggestions?

Friday, November 6, 2009


my only question:
is the rest of the team scattered around the city?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

day of the dead

gianna and my halloween situations.
hoping to find another excuse to do it again.
(halloween in december? costume party on new years eve??? anyone??? maybe?)

to do:
- finish current advanced serigraphy project... fo'real....
- get together proposal for advanced serig. final (with ashley??? collaboration time?)
- work on advanced etching project... seriously... just do it...... ya know?
- find/ finalize space for BFA show (fun..... no self-induced stress there)
- finish up next batch of independent study tattoos ( read: finalize drawings, print, apply, shoot, print, etc.)
- figure out how i will manage to sleep during the month of november?

wish me luck. i'm almost there...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

just about 8 weeks

i stopped biting my nails. don't know how it happened, but it seems to be holding up as a dropped bad habit. maybe that is what happens when you have a birthday? who knows. tea shop is slow. gray friday, but it was a nice morning. i will always love the feeling i get after i mail a letter. it has been so slow here that i wrote another two letters. i think i need more people to write to. interested? leave me an address. a nice bunch of projects underway. and most likely they are all more complicated than they need to be. but hey. that is what makes it all worth it, no?

note to self.
personal new year:
- for real this time, start documenting your work... (i mean come on, get over all of the ideas about why and how and blah blah. just do it.)
- 'do' in order to find out what happens.
- don't stop asking questions
- do stop doubting
- stop spending so much money on coffee
- stop spending so much money?
- stop drinking so much coffee???
- allow making work be the release, not the stifler
- ... all that other stuff.. but you know, just keep going

8 more weeks... so much to do in those weeks... and then what?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

project temp. tat.: part 1

As this last of semesters here at Tyler starts to take off, 'project temporary tattoo'* is also underway. While i am excited about this project and in a slight state about only having 4 classes this semester, i find myself still feeling out of steam. I am excited but have not enough fuel in me to really build any momentum. I have however found this new quiet sense of entitlement (the less obnoxious variety of one of my biggest pet peeves) with which i get to walk around this place... (read: i'm more awesome because i almost never have to come back here!!!!!! ???)
Anyway, as it stands, i have been calling all kinds of crazy companies, and "reading" all kinds of crazy descriptions all because i am trying to figure out if i can purchase what i need to coat paper for my own temporary tattoos, thus opening up a whole new level of possibilities. I can not really figure out which chemical combination is what, although i think i have at least 3 good leads... from my reading... and stuff...
SO! if you recognize, or know someone who may recognize any of the ingredients listed below, please let me know. (aside from all the color pigment stuff, i know what all that is)

- they have really strange, but telling temporary tattoos in Kentucky
- power washer acting up already?! = oh good lord...
- already have a count down of the weeks left until December 18th in my planner
- am at 15 weeks left on said count down
- have yet to abandon planner for my manic list making technique = good sign. stay strong.
- am constantly letting my mind float away from what i should be focusing on... more-so than usual, leaving me too often in a state of 'wait... whoa... no idea how so-and-so got to this topic...' = problem???
- usual fantasies i drift into are about these long-weekend trips i think i would be able to take just because i don't have classes on fridays = irrational and totally unrealistic ... right?
- would life be easier if i opened a little store somewhere and just lived a quiet existence by the ocean??
- what would i sell?
- keep on keepin on yall

o! and the first wedding i have ever been to was awesome!
maybe pictures... some day... no promises

*not the real name of project. real name to be revealed at a later date.

Monday, August 31, 2009

day 1. check.

The beginning of the end and the new beginning
One inch left between me and my sanity
I would like one day at a time please. thank you.
or... the list goes on...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i know i was all super blog and stuff....

so... my bad.

i know i never did that whole super blog, that might have been mentioned at some point.... oopsie? look, see, what had happened was i had this moment of enlightenment that went something like this:
me: aw hellllll naw.... i only have two weeks of no school before more school!?
self: yeah.... ain't that some shit....
me: ... and my internet that i pay have of the service for isn't working on my computer again? (even though the awesomeness of jim tried to fix it)
self: yeah... that happened too...
me: well, i heard that i really love it when i can actually feel the sunshine on my skin rather than just staring at it through panes of glass...
self: yo, naw, that is true yo...
me: well... maybe instead this whole super blog thing... i could just.... how do i say?
self: go outside instead??
me: .... yeah.
self: go. and be healed little one.

with that said.
pictures of some kind of something that might be called art by some will be posted "soon"

- starting school
- being in school
- finishing school
- being in the real world

who finds a problem in this?


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

out of the office

- summer session 2 ends tomorrow. i hope/plan to be in a car driving myself to OCEAN by no later than friday noon.
- i am convinced that meredith is sleeping with gourmet magazine. but i am ok with that.
- there is a pile of letters i need to stamp and mail.


THE SUPER POST (look for it in a blog near you.... like maybe this blog.. later this week.. kinda deal...)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

for the love of polaroids

this is how long my hair is now.
it has already grown a little bit.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the this summer i wish was here and me in it too

i know it has been forever.
and those of you who read this probably stopped checking.
i stopped checking.
you know, life happens, and you realize that sometimes the moments you could take to post a picture, or some words have been gone and used up by other things that
are either arguably necessary, or arguably not.
anyway, the point is, here i find myself, with at least 17 min.s before my next class, in a beyond freezing room in the new tyler school of art building - so why not make a thing of it. i spend monday through thursday here, from a little before 9 to somewhere around 4. it is so cold in here that in my little break between classes, everyone on main campus stares at me in shock that on this day breaking at 88 degrees or so, i scurry around of coffee in long jeans, closed toed shoes and a sweater.

some things:
- i am making a brush up mold out of pepto bismol pink silicone, and it is of a street stump.
- i have done a couple box molds in polyurethane of roosters (that i cast in neon orange and blue plastic)
- there is an old school glass milk jar that i have done a blanket mold with that i just filled with white pigmented foam and latex.
- i keep hoping to better develop this idea for a traveling research project, but keep not doing that.
- i am trying to figure out how i can get a job where i get to travel around the world talking to strangers.
- printmaking is trying my nerves. ...but i have a couple ideas left.
- i am feeling slowly aware that many many people who i know are leaving philadelphia, or have already gone.
- i want to leave philadelphia, and it is debatable that i have already gone.
- am interested in renting a store front in new part of trend-town-philly.

i love and miss many people

next post:
pictures of something will be included

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i still live!

i know i haven't been around in awhile.
so, i have been workin on all kinds or stuff...
but since i was here emailing these to the lovely
cici, i figured i'd post them....

if any woman would like to send me a photo
so i can do one with their face, i would be so happy....

peace yall

Saturday, March 21, 2009

teaher penny? are you out there??

Friday, March 20, 2009

just a little bit...

ok, here is just a taste of some stuff that is going on in my every day situation.
these are just some woodblocks and i will put up some of the actual prints after i get some more of them.. i am still figuring stuff out.

so these were the first ideas from my whole 'word' situation...
i'm still playing with this too,
so give me some time.
these aren't all of them either, but...
give me time to get the rest up later on...

Friday, March 13, 2009

stayin alive

i am still here. i swear.
i just got back from a beautiful almost-week in sarasota florida with the gianna and friends. it was a very needed breath of fresh air and ocean waves. too good. but now, back in the realness philadelphia. things are rolling again.
here are two (pretty crappy) pictures of some stuff i am trying out. they are both woodblock prints, from different woodblocks layered on top of each other.

i am loving poetry class and and interested in pulling text into images and playing with that...
but anyway. this is a preview.
i promise i'll post more this coming week when i get my ass back in the studio.
peace and love love all around

Monday, January 26, 2009

hood+scarf = hoarf ???

i learned to crochet in class. i love crocheting.....