Sunday, December 6, 2009

last week ever? kinda.. ok fine... last 2 weeks... but not really...

so after what must be over a year of me saying "almost there" i am actually almost there. only one more actual class, a couple individual critiques... then final planning for the show in january...
then... life?
any suggestions?


Xio said...

just keep being awesome and beautiful!

oh by the way, my word verification on this comment situation is 'birth' haha!

Jim Kauterman said...

Stick around, at least for a while. I'll miss you if you leave.

Sa. said...

hahhahaaahahahaaa yeah, birth... good. hahaa

jim, i'd miss you always if i don't see you time <3

Alex said...

when i was a little kid, i wanted to be a seagull when i grew up. maybe you could become a seagull, or some other animal.