Thursday, December 25, 2008

the tale of the kodish eskind family jewish christmas adventure

We find ourselves on christmas morning. A beautiful morning really - as long as you aren't the "white christmas" type. As the day goes on, bagels and lox, cream cheese, tea.. coffee... cookies... and so on... we laze our way through the day playing music, sharing pictures and such and find ourselves in a splendid afternoon. Momma kodish wants to take a walk to the woodlands cemetery. Now, while that might sound morbid and strange, it is actually a very peaceful piece of land and we often see deer and animals wandering around. So, no one opposed to the idea and momma kodish fairly excited, off we went. Once at the cemetery we wandered around, taking in the red sunset and sprawling sky, the crisp air, the soft ground and the old stones that lay so quiet. After some walking we decided we were done and headed for the big main gate to leave and start the walk home. We arrive at the gate to find it locked shut. Papa eskind rattles it around a little only to prove that it really is locked up tight. What other family would or could get themselves locked into a cemetery on christmas night. it is getting more dark and more cold by the second. We start to all toss out some ideas. Ruth and i could more or less easily climb over the big front gate, and probably under it, but that would leave mom and dad. so that was no good. We had seem a woman and her dog just a moment ago, how had they gotten in and maybe they knew a way out? What about that other gate - no that was locked when we walked by it earlier. We decided to walk towards where we saw the woman and where another gate might be. On the way dad spots a loose bar in the surrounding spiked iron gate that surrounds the cemetery. A stroke of luck, he pulls a little and it comes loose, leaving enough room for us all to easily slip through the gate and spill onto the freedom of the sidewalk where we began our walk home.


Jim Kauterman said...

I can imagine cracking up if I had been there.

Alex said...