Monday, October 27, 2008

more light dances/sun scans

that second one i didn't take... as you can see.
but thats aight.


Len said...

When and why did wrought iron fences go out of vogue?

citygrrrl said...

these all look haunted to me....

Sa. said...

i asked my dad and he said, "never!" and then he added when and why, but i was still in a post-shock from his "never!" to listen. but basically some other fence came is and was all, "ohhh... i'm so cheap and new..."

yeah i know..
i can't figure out why.
but i think i need to still work on getting the distance right and the lighting.

citygrrrl said...

it's not that i don't love the atmosphere of these photos, i think it just depends on what the subject matter is. houses seem to look haunted. if the photo were a person, it would have a different feeling to it.

Sa. said...

oh! no no, my bad. those houses were haunted.
well.. something as up.