Thursday, January 17, 2008

gettin into some thangs

after all the rain, i find myself at the apartment, listening to npr. it will always make a place feel like home. (thanks mom and dad... note that that is sarcastic but also a real thanks... yeah) they are talking about online polls about who you should vote for and everyone is saying that they got dennis kucinich. so, i just don't know... what's the problem. let's get him in office, no?

well anyway.
i know i've been slacking with the blog here, sorry. getting things going has been a little busy and rather bumpy. but it seems that as of now, we've got things moving. i've already got a list of things to do. the classes all seem like they're going to be rewarding. i am going to start tutoring this kid in english tomorrow. and may this other kid next week. so thats ok... and yeah, so there you go. the galleries and studios class (which is a group of kids going around and visit the secret world of contemporary art that lives in the back alleys of rome) has made me a little... well, i don't know the word... but it seems that rome is kind of doing this this with contemporary art that goes like so:
- find and set up show of "new" "in" art
- call collectors, museums, rich/known people and ask them to come see
- hope they buy some
- rinse
- repeate

it made me a little sick. basically, if you don't know about these places, they are lost to you. and "you" includes a whole lot of people. i don't know, i guess i cling to the hope that making art is about more than money... but i guess people gotta make a living.. or something..

some love from home.

ruth, is this the one you wanted?
more to come in a bit,
i think my pasta is ready


root said...

yes! thank yous

Gigi said...

how did i not see this post? How come I love this picture? omg. desktop pic right now!