not too happy with them, but they were a learning process...
maybe a jumping off point to something else?
maybe just an experience i've had....
ummm.... they kind of took on a life of their own, and i'm not sure....
well. whatever. they are what they are, and i wasn't expecting what that became.... yeah

oh, and some more hands... i have this hand thing right now...
this is from litho, and i'll be adding a color layer to it as soon as i find photo litho plates....
peace yall
very nice work! have you looked at joseph cornell's boxes? these feel like beginnings to me, like they need more. i know you probably didn't have time, especially with the amount of boxes you did.
the litho is lovely......
yeah. the thing with the boxes.. i think i just lost the point.. there was no point, so they kind of became about the process for me, and i don't think they really have a stand for anything for anyone else...
you know?
but yeah...
now that i look at the litho... hummm. what's going on there? two people connected, but looking at different vistas.
there is an intimacy, but not.
showing artwork a lot like pulling your pants down in public.
yeah... no kidding. (about the pants down thing)
(also, i love joseph cornell's boxes. do you know betye saar's work???)
i do now! how cool!
... Should you be wondering, I'm pretty sure it was the one with the human heart that gave me the idea.
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