here are some of the little paintings/drawings that i have been working on (and was/am selling)
all the painting was done about a year and a half ago, when i did about 110 gesture paintings of philly.
as they were supposed to be gestures i tried to keep myself from spending too much time on any of them. instead i spent a lot of time deciding on colors and then tried to keep some time constraints on the actualy painting.
i started drawing (and doing a little collage at times) on top of them.
it has been an interesting feeling of present over past... but that may just be me laying on the meaning and symbolism....
but all that aside, it has been really relaxing and fun and... meditative? to make these.
in other news.
this past weekend in d.c. at the smithsonian folklife festival. very cool.
this year was:
- texas with music (sooo good!) food (sooo sooo good!) and wine making (... ? in texas?)
- butan (coolest people ever?) with crafts (sooo cool) religion (very very cool) and ... something else that i am sure was equally awesome... ok. i'm not sure how they divided up the whole Butan thing, but it was all really beautiful.
- nasa (yeah.. i was a little iffy about it, but it was really kinda cool)
4th from the top is MINE!!! and happily hanging in my kitchen
What was 'nasa'? I hope it was airborn. (And made sure to measure in feet OR meters)
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