some things seem to be moving at a million miles an hour, while other things(cough cough painting drawing cough) seem to be just dragging along.... well... they're moving.. i should be positive. anyway. i will, i promise take some art pictures sometime soon. this week and next are crazy crazy. i have crits coming up, i have tests in lanugages i don't know, i have papers in languages i don't know, i have to do the whole permesso thing again (boo) i gotta send a million emails and all kinds of fun stuff. the piles and lists are always growing. and the Sol Lewitt thing is taking up a lot of my time. (i am assiting in installing two Sol Letwitt wall pieces at the Galleria Nazionale D'Arte Moderna. it is fun, but it just eats up my free time, and i need to be painting and drawing and doing other things. ya know?)
i got those 4 disposable cameras developed and cd-a-fied and here are a couple.
more atlas mountains

brother folks

some charmin goin down

a friend

oh so good

me being a tree...

the minara

fields of olive trees (= fields of peace??)


where they make moroccan leather (they soak it in pigeon poop. seriously. aparently it has natural amonia in it or something)

socialist stencil in one of the voting blocks (vote for the flower)

back to work.
perfect desktop backgrounds for my NEWLAPTOP
and you make a good tree.
Asalaam Aleikoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
1) That camel is hilarious
2) That Minara is totally my new desktop background
3) I can't believe how much fun you're having and how much life you're living and I'm so happy that you are.
4) When you get back, we are going to speak Arabic and Italian so nobody else can understand us.
5) Love you. Take good care. And good luck!
^ dito. sans the Arabic and Italian. and, yeah, you could take that tree on tour.
thank you guys.... that is really sweet. i miss home... but i am going to miss things about being away. oh goodness.
yeah, i can not wait to chill when i get home. word! !!!!! home!
summer is gonna be awesome. 6 more weeks!
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