the whole contemporary art world here is.. well... a long long talk. so, some other time for that.
but, for now, i leave you with these. i liked these two a lot.

also, go read giulio's blog about the whole horse thing.
time here has been going by a little too fast, and i have been really caught up in this... this... well, i don't know what to even call it. really, just a huge big equation but istead of numbers, every symbol is like... a question, or a word, or a theory or an idea. anyway, it has been crazy. i have been learning a lot. and thinking/learning proves that you are living right? so good. let's leave it at that.

these buggers..... i think i need to not look at these feet/legs for about a week. we'll see what happens. but i think we need some serious time apart. i need a plan of attack... or something....

and i've been picking at that itch too.
and i actually have done a little more to this, but didn't get a picture yet. i'll take one tomorrow. but who knows when it will make it to the internet.
and finally. for gianna.
i've been smudging up my studio wall a bit, and these two made me thing of those character-design projects, where you look at a blob - or whatever - and pull some character from it.
so anyway, my gift to you. if you want them. or just, whatever.
and with that, i'm out for the night
i will use them dhere pictures. they have kodish energy. your paintings are turning out so beautiful. i can believe how much you have grown as an artist. they feel so much like you. it shows that you take time with your paintings. that there is a plan and a thought and a meaning. i think this should show you more then anything that you can make good art for yourself too. that is why i plan to steal one with out you knowing. love you.
Ack! That cavernous modern art piece is incredible!
I like how you've shown the various progressions of your paintings, even when those progressions involve just small changes. Those hands are awesome and I just love how the open-palm has almost like a road-map of emotion and who/where you are; it's like looking at the chapter about Sarah Kodish-Eskind in a palm-reader's text book.
The self-portrait seems to be slowly emerging from the canvas, like a figure shrouded in mist walking towards you, only that instead of seeing just their surface features, the features of their character and personality are becoming clearer and clearer as well.
Also, in that self-portrait, was that note "Things I can't change" purposely written next to your boobies? Haha.
gads it's all so beautiful.
hi friend.
i went to look for you before my test so that i could look at your wax stuff. i want to tell you something.
but before i tell you about that, i want to tell you that i couldn't help notice how beautifully your train is moving. i sat in your studio earlier and can see/feel how much your work is coming along. i believe it is moving so much faster than you think. maybe you already know this.
you've got soul in that corner of yours.
more in person.
Sarah.... you were in my dreams last night and i had to find you ............ it was always clear that you had a heaping share of life's energy and it's a joy to read your blog, see your crochet and 'hear' you think! please get in touch! t-pen
teacher penny?? is that you??! if so, i'll send you my email address, i would love to catch up.
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