really bad color. i am not sure you get the idea. these are just two little guys. i've been having fun playing around with figures recently. not much. just a little nibble of what is going down.
i didn't have time to take a lot of pictures. but whatever. it ain't nothing you never done seen before.
in other news.
things getting crazy over here work wise, as i think i mentioned before. things getting coooolllld!!!! over here weather wise. getting a little home sick. not too bad. just you know those rainy days when all you want to do is curl up at home on the couch, with some tea, and a good movie you've seen a million times before, but love all the same? yeah... that kinda deal. but it is ok. i'm gonna stick it out.
for my rome sketchbook final, which i am going to start today, right after i do my laundry...
well, i want to do some drawings, lines.. shapes... and some color blocks.... i think, of immigrant here. i have my reasons and my thoughts. but the only thing that is really holding me up is the question of how to approach this whole thing. the immigrantion deal here ain't too hot. i don't think immigrants are having such a good time anywhere right now... but i feel so aware here of this color/class/race divide. and i don't feel comfortable just going up to someone and saying hey! let me draw you! i'm a cute little middle-class white american who will never have to deal with the shit people out you through... so... how about it? i just don't know.
but it is what i want to do. and the teach approved it. so now i must go and do.
but how?! i am all about talking. but i just don't know if that is something i could do here. aside from language stuff, which i feel i could get by with, i think there are just different silent social contracts here than in the states. does that make any sense?
i was asking carlos about it. and he said, yeah, it is a strange request. but that is what it is. he said he knows some people (that boy knows everyone within a good 15 block radius of his house... i swear) and he could ask them if they would mind if i drew them. but then, how do i say thank you? i would have no problem paying them something, but i feel like that is a cop-out, and a little insulting somehow.. is it? is it not? i was thinking like, well, they would basically be acting as a model, so i pay a model hourly modeling-time-money. but there is more to this, no? or am i just making it that way?
i don't know.
i need thoughts people! dimi! (tell me!)
whenever i take pictures of strangers, or not a stranger, I give them a copy of the print. that is my way of saying thank you. maybe you can scan the drawings in the digital lab at school, and print them out on some nice think matte paper.
I second Xiomara's idea. Plus, when it comes down to it, people just want to tell their stories and be heard. I'm sure if you explain to them that you want to hear their story, and draw them for who they are, and try to get something out of that -- some kind of closer connection to humanity and the beauty of their lives and meanings -- then they'll be OK with it. Maybe you could even include a few sentences somewhere in the picture that gives the viewer some gist of an insight into their lives.
Ed riguardo alla primo disegno: merda santa! E' molto belissimo!
oops...i meant thick matte paper.
I totally agree with Alex!
yeah yeah. i was thinking those kinds of things (although with questions of how to reproduce these drawings... but that will all come in time)
and of course, i believe in the power of the story, and listening, and being heard. i suppose i just feel nervous, and like this is something i would really need/want the time to do, and do right. because it would need to be done right and with care. and i am nervous i don't have that time, but i don't, i refuse to half-ass this kind of thing. i don't know. this might just be another story about me carving out a bigger piece than i can chew (in the time alotted.) but hey... i love you guys.
it is funny to me how you are so aware of race sometimes instead of just being aware of the human aspect of people across the board. anybody black, white, ugly, pretty, etc would be happy for someone to draw them... espically if there are no artist in the family. it is fun for them just be in a picture or capture somehow that is new to them. so draw them, post fliers around campus? maybe around your hood? i dunno.... and be ready to give up some of these drawings... maybe you can include pictures that you take of them holding up the drawing that you just did for them and maybe draw from the picture? i dunno. but don't freak out about it. you are a cute white american girl remember?... heheheheh
ps... this blog is awesome.
it is good to be aware of race, but only in the way that you don't want to step on toes. but i also agree that people are people, and they are usually flattered to have their picture drawn.
but consider this a sketch for something bigger in the future. ya gotta start somewhere!
hm. quite a tricky business your in here... Okay, my crack at advice is to stick run with sketch mentality Lisa suggested. Because really you don't have the time to do this - to to draw these people - as truly comprehensively as you know you can. I think that's what's bothering you, so you should stop thinking about your time constraint as a deadline and more as draft date.
Yea! What Len said! Bitch!
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