it has been interesting to be in italy and realize that people think i am italian, or spanish, and i was even more surprised to find that in turkey everyone thought i was turkish. and when they found out i was american they didn't believe me. but about being american in turkey. i wasn't nervous, but i did have a little caution in how people would react to me. but it was amazing. everyday i found myself in numerous conversations with strangers about politics and life and culture and art and everything. and no one, and i mean no one held me responsible for anything. thank god. but i was so in love with how people talked to each other, and listened, and were interested, and offered tea... hmm... oh i drank so much tea, and so much of it was free. perfect. what more do i want from life than to live some place beautiful in an open and interested community? i don't know... not much. it was wonderful. in the turkish bath house (thats right. turkish bath house. i almost didn't leave...) it was perfect. the women in istanbul seem to disappear a little if not only because the men in istanbul are insanely prominent. (if you think italian guys are bad, they ain't got shit on the turks... ain't. got. nothin.) but in the bath house, you walk in and there are just women. no one has an age, no one has a race. it was beautiful. i was on the verge of tears multiple times in there. especially when i met two women from israel and two from Lebanon. we all noticed each other because we all looked the same. the two from Lebanon were a little more milky in their skin tone, and the Israelis a little darker. and i was just in the middle. it was the most beautiful conversation. they just wanted to know what people thought of the other, and wanted people to know that not everyone in any country likes what is going on. i can't even describe...
and the call to prayer, a couple times a day. i could lsiten to that for the rest of my life.
anyway. istanbul is amazing. and i met the most amazing people. not just people from istanbul, but people traveling through. i really think i might try to live there for a little bit of my life. some time. at least, i need to go back.
oh, and tea, sugar and a dream. that is how they say to pronounce thank you in turkish. tesekkür ederim.
yeah. the city just got more beautiful ever day and night.
any questions? that might be easier.
oh, and also, i will post some pictures of some doodles i made in instanbul later. my camera is tired.

you make istanbul sound so beautiful. it just feels that way. thank you for sharing. i am happy that no one gave you any turmoil for 'being american'. i bet the woman are beautiful there. please post some pictures of the women if you have any. ??? you are beautiful too. how do you feel to look like so many other people? i think it is even more beautiful that no matter what you look like you are compassionate and have a love for all humanity. oh friend, i miss you.
thanks for the pomegranates
holy beautiful ness !!
you and meredeth look like lovers
those lanterns looked like a buncha lovers
everything looks lovely
question: pomegranates native to istanbul? if not, what fruits are?
thats really a question for wikipedia
i love you miss you love you miss you wish i was there.
it was switched on
Asalaam aleikum!
Wow. Sarah, that is absolutely incredible. I'm so happy for you, that you were able to experience such beauty and humanity. The way you describe it makes my eyes water, it's so incredibly beautiful.
When you get back, you'll have to teach me some Turkish.
Also, that panoramic of Istanbul is now my laptop's wallpaper, thank you very much!
I like this beatiful place.
I like Blue Mosque.
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