so, i took an art history trip to a Musei Capitolini and saw one of constantine's feet. such a pretty foot. he has a hand, a knee, a face, some other things too, but feet are important to me right now, so here is the foot.
i really like my teacher. he gives a whole other better possibility of what art history could be.
the guy on the horse, Marcus Aurelius, was an interesting stop on our tour. first of all, a word about bronze.
if you ever see art that is bronze, take a moment and realize that something fortunate happened for it to still be with us.
bronze, a re-meltable/re-usable material. a whole lot of art/artifacts were melted down and used for... you know... military shit, and of course some other things too.
so anyway, good old Marcus over here is only with us because when he was found people thought he was Constantine and saved him. if they had known, he would have been melted away into other various shapes and uses.
so, about feet,
len and i went with a nice big handful of temple rome students on the FAMOUS WALL WALK.
this ment meeting at 8:30am and walking around the city via the path of The Aurelian Wall. this wall which makes its way around the city of rome, dissapearing into the ground and then seems to pop right back where it first and always was. i believe it was started in the 270's? or something. anyway, it was a nice 13 mile walk. with little pauses for information by one of my new favorite people in the world. in. the. world. Jan (said like "yaan") Gadeyne (said like "gah-dine"). i am not sure if that is how he spells his name. but he is the meaning of the phrase "the shit"
this is one of the many, many portals in the wall.
so, as a final note, after this walk, i took what was possibly the most enjoyed shower of my entire life.
and here are a couple pictures of me trying to get my used-for-making-things gears oiled and back in motion.
these are two quick little landscape thingies. yeah, they're on cardboard.
these are a couple of blind contour drawings. just in case anyone does not know what that is - just in case! - that means you are doing a drawing with line only to describe whatever it is you are drawing (i could go into contours, but i will leave it at this... for now) and not looking at the paper while you do this. no looking allowed. (also, that last one has some bad lighting, and you can see some stuff from the paper under it. my bad)
my feet are the best ever because they hold me up and i love them for it.
love LOVE the stuff on the cardboard. esp the first one. i think i have a picture of part of marcus's head or eye or something....
i learned about that man in art history class.
ps. i called chu. did u receive my most awesomely long drawn out message
i love your paintings! nice cardboard!
also, i saw your mom at the village of arts and humanities yesterday (saturday) afternoon. i was so happy to see her, i gave a her a big hug for you too. she loves you.
and...thank you for your extensive contour definition. i had no idea what contour drawing was. so much for our foundation year.
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