i made a big mug of mocha that i am nursing as it slowly makes an attempt at
opening my eyes all the way (something that probably won't happen until
i get to work and have another cup of coffee or two.)
I am listening to regina spektor because npr can really suck on the weekend.
although... npr in the morning is really depressing (you know, british news hour and all.)
i usually switch to my own music unless i have managed to miss all the " (insert number) people died in (insert city,
usually a city in Iraq) this morning when a ..." you get the point...
it just isn't the greatest note to start the day on. But... that is the same reason i put down the newspaper
this morning... the local section is splattered with numbers. this morning, it was a 15 and a 12 year old
that made the main headlines, and 3 others that were killed "in rash of shootings"
on a lighter note...
last night was nice. Yuri, Len, Harrison, G and i had fresh fruit smoothies and dinner and music
and words together. beautiful people i know, just beautiful.
len took off (as he does at times) and yuri cycled into the night (or rather, early morning) and
g and h are still here. sleeping on various surfaces.
i want to be sleeping on various surfaces.
today is the clark park flea market. always a good time.
i don't think i am going to make it, but the last thing i need to be doing right
now is spending money and acquiring more things.
well, it is getting to be that time, 9:30 something,
gianna just muttered and grunted her way past me on her way to the
and the sun is beautifully breaking across the backyard like it does most summer mornings
around this time.
1 comment:
that's not me. I have no idea what your talking about....
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